Make brushing the easiest part of their day!
Willo® AutoFlo+ makes brushing effortless and ensures a thorough clean, giving you peace of mind that your child has brushed well every time.
Shop NowFrom the 2020 Time Magazine Product of the Year Winner - Introducing the next generation of Willo. It's so much more than a toothbrush—it’s a smarter way to create healthy smiles. Order yours today!
"Significant advancement in children’s dental care"

"Parents who have purchased this toothbrush continue to wonder how they ever lived without it."

"This innovative device aims to alleviate the daily struggle of getting little ones to brush their teeth"

"It’s part gadget, part parenting hack, and it might just be the key to creating lifelong healthy habits."

"If you have kids, you know how hard it is to get them to brush their teeth, let alone brush properly. The Willo ingeniously solves this problem."

"it's time to get acquainted with the future of oral hygiene"

See who else is talking about Willo
Hear from Willo families
I love this toothbrush, and I’m a dentist. My son has sensory issues, and he does super well with this toothbrush. I feel a lot more relaxed knowing that his teeth are getting brushed well.

Tina S.
My daughter is OBSESSED with brushing her teeth. I am also a dental hygienist and this thing is AMAZING. Mess free, hassle free. It's a game changer for sure!

Harley C
Before I got Willo, my kids would always fight with me to brush their teeth. It was an exhausting fight everyday. I came across Willo on Facebook and decided to give it a try. Now both kids are excited to brush their teeth everyday! It’s seriously changed my life! 10/10 recommend!

Ashley D

I know the price is high, but so are other electric toothbrush brands. We spent my sons whole life fighting to brush teeth. He has no issue with using this. No gag reflex and no sensory issue, it's been well worth it for our family.

This thing is awesome no more fights with my 5 year daughter

This is hands down one of the best things I have ever seen in my nearly 40 years of life. My daughter has serious sensory issues and just had to have a dental procedure. She loves the Willo and WANTS to brush her teeth. I’m telling you, it’s a saving grace.


One word: AMAZING! My son has ASD and ADHD, and getting him to brush was a real hassle. I would always have to go back over to be sure he got all his teeth. With Willo, he’s able to do it all on his own and loves his new found independence. Thank you Willo!

Shawnta J
As a busy working mom, I just don’t have the time or energy to keep checking if my kids are brushing their teeth right. Willo takes that stress off my plate. Definitely recommend it if you’re looking for one less thing to worry about.

Katie C.
The kids actually love brushing now, and I don’t have to hover or worry if they’re doing it right. My youngest even insists on brushing multiple times a day! This toothbrush is a game-changer for any parent!


As a mom of an autistic boy, this is a life saver. I recently switched to Willo, and I couldn't be happier with the results. It's truly a game-changer in oral hygiene!

Christina Y
My son hated to brush his teeth. I didn’t know what solution to find for him…. I saw willo in an add on facebook and convinced me to try it for him. He really likes it! He is so happy brushing his teeth now!

My 8 year old has Autism, and he loves Willo! HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

James J

Im so excited for this toothbrush, my son never wants to brush his teeth and never gets the correct areas causing many dental issues. Now they will all be solved!

Ashley C
Willo has changed the paradigm. Why should humans do all the work when a machine can and do it better? Willo is especially great for kids who don't have as much appreciation or patience for a good brush.

Has really helped out night time and morning routine go so much smoother , my son actually enjoys using this toothbrush and doesn’t complain at all.


Loving this as a mom of 4 kids.

Danielle M
Follow @WilloCleans

Clinically Proven
Clinically proven to remove 7x MORE plaque in hard-to-reach areas*
Results you can trust
State-of-the-art OptiClean™ brush head consistently cleans every tooth every time.
Learn More
Easy and Engaging
Kids simply place the brush in their mouth and Willo does the rest.
No mess, no stress
All-in-one system automatically applies toothpaste and rinses into the sink.
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Track & Reward
Brushing history tracker so you can track from anywhere
Gamify Brushing
Kids enjoy animated countdown timers and motivating rewards
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"Perfect toothbrush for children"
Dr. Christina Carter
Pediatric Dentists and Orthodontist

"Better than a child could ever do on their own"
Dr Joel Berg
Chief Dental Officer, Willo

"Child happy, parent happy, dentist will say WOW"
Dr. Joel Berg
DDS and Chief Dental Officer, Willo
*Willo® kids electric toothbrush is clinically proven to remove 7x more plaque in hard-to-reach areas compared to a manual toothbrush.
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